24 Hour Emergency Service
Rodents include the rats and mice species and very often they enter our households or office properties, looking for a warm shelter or in order to give birth to their young ones. They usually seek out places that are uninhabited or rooms that are secluded. Therefore, one can easily find the rats and mices in places such as our store room or in the attic space. Rodents are harmful to our health, given that they can spread harmful diseases such as hantavirus and plague quite easily and they pose a health risk to the clients in their home environment. In order to properly exterminate the rodents, it is necessary to undertake proper measures that promise to get rid of the rodents at ease.
There are numerous signs that point to a rodent infestation and some of the signs include:
Some of the tips that can be followed in order to control the growth of rodents include:
At Halton Rodent Control, we have specialized techniques that have been perfected over the years in order to provide the best to our clients. Our exterminators are the best in the industry and are highly trained in the extermination of the rodents. Being a local organization allows us the opportunity to easily reach clients as soon as we receive the call for extermination. We are a team that is highly efficient and we take care to constantly improve our services in order to better suit the needs of our clients in the regions of Waterdown, Oakville and Burlington.